Explorer Help

Before reading this help section, we strongly suggest you take the WhistleBox Tour, also available from the Explorer help menu. The Tour will visually show the highlights of the WhistleBox explorer and make the questions and answers below more meaningful.

How do I get started with my first upload?

At this point, you will have your account set up. Go to your WhistleBox Explorer page and in the left hand Folder Pane, take note of your Box name (the default is Box).

Now, if you want another party to upload a document to your Box, and you have their email address, we suggest you use the Upload Request button on the Menu Bar. From the Upload Request form, you can send an upload request to that party which will contain a WhistleLink back to your upload form. All they have to do is click the link and follow the upload instructions.

If you don’t have their email address, you can provide them with your WhistleBox Address and they can start the upload manually by clicking the Upload Here button on the MyWhistleBox.com home page.

It’s really easy and no user account is required by your uploading party.

What is my WhistleBox Address?

Every Box has a WhistleBox Address and is in the format username/boxname. You can also view the WhistleBox Address by hovering over the Address icon in the folder pane.

What do the file symbols mean?

To find out what a symbol means, just hover your mouse pointer over the symbol and a tool tip will be revealed.

Can I change the Box name?

Yes you can and this is actually a security feature. Your WhistleBox Address is made up of your username along with your Box name. Your user name is fixed and can’t be changed. On the other hand, your Box name is a folder and is changeable at any time. Since anybody can upload documents to your Box if they have your WhistleBox Address, we think it’s a best practice to make your Box name easy to remember but not too easy to guess. Your box name was set to the name "Box" to make things simple. Feel free to change it to anything you'd like using the Folder Rename button.

Can I store my own documents in my Box?

Yes, of course. Once signed in, there is an upload icon above your File Pane. Just click on that icon and upload documents to the selected folder.

Are my files safe and secure after uploading?

Yes! Every uploaded file to your account is encrypted and anonymously labeled to protect your privacy. Encryption prevents anybody from reading the contents. Being anonymous makes the file generic so outsiders can't guess the file type. If your file is secured, you will see a small green pad lock symbol next to the file name. In addition, nobody will be able to download your files outside of your account. Therefore, it's very important that you use a strong password to safeguard your account and don't carelessly share it.

Can WhistleBox employees see my files that I upload?

No. While in storage, your files and user passwords are encrypted with the strongest encryption available. No employee can access or view your file contents nor can they identify which file belongs to whom. Files are only decrypted when downloaded by you and that can only be done via your signed in account. Although your password and files are encrypted, customer support does have limited access to your account information so they can service you better. This includes information such as your name, email address and payment plans.

Can my Doctor upload my requested health records to my account?

Typically Doctors and healthcare professionals are subject to a federal regulation called HIPAA. Although HIPAA is a large encompassing law covering many areas of patient information, it doesn't set specific rules on the manner of information distribution. Doctors will typically transmit your patient information to you via Fax, traditional mail and other private couriers (e.g. Fedex). You could of course pick it up directly from their office which may or may not be convenient. But strictly speaking, there is no reason, with your consent, that they couldn't send your information to your MyWhistleBox account. But as a matter of professional policy, they may choose to limit your choices to the three methods mentioned above. But, you certainly should ask.

How can I send a request to upload using my Email account?

There is an easy way to do this. Go to your WhistleBox Explorer page and click the Upload Request button on the Menu Bar. On the bottom left is an envelope icon. Click that icon and your default email reader should appear with the WhistleLink inserted into the message body where you can edit to your liking. The WhistleLink will take your email recipient directly to your upload page where they can upload their documents. Just make sure you don't edit the WhistleLink because it's custom for your account.

Can I use my email address as my WhistleBox Address?

Yes you can. If you open your Account Options, there are some additional personal settings you can select. One is the WhistleBox Address format. If the setting is either Email or Username and Email, you can use your email in your WhistleBox Address. You may want to keep your user name private and require only your email address.

What does the Create Folder on Sender Name option do in my Profile?

This is a professional feature and requires the Show Sender Name option. When someone uploads a file, additional fields can be required such as the Sender’s Name. If a file is uploaded and also contains the sender’s name, WhistleBox will automatically create a subfolder inside your Box with that person’s name and put the uploaded file in that folder. For professionals that would like to automatically organize files by client, this is a huge time saver. The Sender Name can also be required.

What are WhistlePages for and why is the tab grayed out?

This feature is available only on professional plans. Many times, you may require a number of types of documents to be uploaded. For instance, Accounting clients may upload different types of confidential financial forms like W2’s, K1’s and 1099’s. They can create WhistlePages to both organize their clients as well as their uploads. WhistlePages makes it easy to group several WhistleLinks together into a single web page. Then a single email link is needed to access that web page. Once WhistlePages are created, they are instantly available in the Upload Request form. Learn more about WhistlePages by visiting “WhistlePages” on your User Menu or watch our helpful video in the Video Library.

When you open the Upload Requests dialog, the WhistlePage tab may be grayed out. This means you don't have access to WhistlePages. The reason for this is you don't have a Professional level plan or no WhistlePages have been created for that professional account or Team.

Why are some of my Address Book contacts red?

That means the address has become invalid. MyWhistleBox does address validation on your contacts to alert you that the address has changed. If your contact changed his or her User or Box name, the WhistleBox address will become invalid. You won't be able to send documents to your contact so you should probably contact them directly and update the address in your Address Book.

In Email Settings, I can't connect to my server.

If you'd like to use your own email server for outgoing email, you can do that under Email Settings. You will need the exact connection credentials as provided by your email administrator. These are outbound email settings. If your getting an error while clicking the Test Email button, here are a few possible reasons.

If you are using Basic Authentication (Other Tab), first make sure your provider recommends this method. Google and Microsoft have both discontinued Basic Authentication methods.

Then check:

  • User name and/or password are incorrect. User names are typically not case sensitive but passwords are. Please check the spelling carefully.
  • Server name may not be correct (if authentication is required). Please verify that you spelled the server name correctly.
  • SSL/TLS port is incorrect. Common ports are 465 (ssl) & 587 (TLS), although your provider can change these and many providers support both.

If you are using the Google or Microsoft Tabs, our included instructions should be followed carefully. The problem is typically related to a configuration setting on the email server side.