
  • MyWhistleBox 2.18.0 Released!

    12 July 2024

    Hello fellow Whistlers. We are very excited to announce the release of MyWhistleBox 2.18.0. This is a major release with a number of cool improvements and bug fixes.

    Depending on your plan, some, or all of these updates will be available to you.

    The following summarizes the major updates and changes:

    • Delete Empty Subfolders
      • Before, if you had an empty parent folder with one or more empty subfolders, you had to delete the subfolders first individually before the parent could be deleted. Now, you can delete the parent folder and all child subfolders will also be deleted.
    • Improved Storage Indicator and Folder Pane Improvements
      • The folder pane has been redesigned to be more compact. The tree now scrolls independantly of the other subpanels and the storage indicator can now show progress for all of your teams.
    • Select "All" Checkbox
      • On all folder icon dialog boxes that display multiple files for selection, a new "all" checkbox will allow you to instantly select all files or unselect all files. This feature has been made consistent across all folder commands.
    • New Zip Tools
      • Zip file viewer that can be used to view the contents of a zip file.
      • Unzip tool can be used to optionally extract part or all of the contents to the current folder.
      • Zip the contents of a folder. This is handy when you want to create a zip file and send as a download request.
    • New Bulk Move
      • New bulk command to move multiple files to another folder.
    • Bulk Download and Bulk Delete Subfolder Option
      • Previously, Bulk Downloads/Delete worked on the contents of the current folder. Now there is an optional checkbox to download or delete the contents of all subfolders.
    • Bulk Download File Mask Option
      • Download file masks were introduced in the previous release and if set, applied equally to all downloads. Sometimes, you may not want the file mask to be applied. A new file mask option has been added to Bulk Downloads. This option will allow you to choose between applying the file mask or using the existing file names.
    • New Access Link Viewer
      • New viewer that allows you to see all of your access links at a glance. You can copy the link to the clipboard and paste anywhere you can paste a link, like an email.
    • WhistlePage Designer Improvements
      • A number of improvements were made to the designer to make it more intuitive.
    • Authenticator App Support for 2FA/MFA
      • Added support for 2FA authenicator apps in addition to the SMS text messaging.
    • Upload Image Resize
      • A new Account Setting option has been added for Uploaded image files. You can now have the image automatically reduced before it's stored in your account. As phone camera images get larger, this can save you a lot of storage space.
    • Team Member Address Book Permission
      • For Team plans, you can now restrict Team member access to the team address book.
    • Address Book Importer
      • New import tool for address books where you can import your contacts from other contact managers like Outlook and Gmail accounts.
    • Upload Page Box Title
      • You can now optionally add the box name to the upload page as a title so the user knows he is in the right place. The title is an Optional box setting.
    • Upload Whole Folders
      • You can now upload whole folders from your computer to MyWhistleBox. Drag and drop a folder from your desktop to the upload panel and all files in the folder will be added to the upload.
    • Request Emails Branded Logo
      • Pro and Team plans can now insert a company logo as part of outgoing Request emails. Under Account Settings, there is a new placeholder {companyLogo} that can be inserted in the default body.
    • New Videos
      • We updated the video library design and added additional instructional videos.

    We hope you enjoy these improvements. Please keep the suggestions coming. It's great users like you that help make MyWhistleBox more powerful and easier to use for everyone. And please keep spreading the word to your friends and coworkers. Remember, friends don’t let friends share sensitive information without Whistling.

  • MyWhistleBox 2.17.5 Released!

    22 April 2024

    Hello fellow Whistlers. We are very excited to announce the release of MyWhistleBox 2.17.5. This is a minor release with a few small feature improvements and bug fixes.

    Depending on your plan, some, or all of these updates will be available to you.

    The following summarizes the updates and changes:

    • File mask limit size
      • On file masks, you can now add a length limiter to the variable. For example, subject#40 would limit the subject to 40 characters.
    • Make request security access mandatory
      • The Download and Signature Requests Access Method had defaulted to None. This was considered a security risk so we changed the field to be required and now force the user to select a Method. This will make sure no None's go out without the users knowledge.
  • MyWhistleBox 2.16.5 Released!

    14 February 2024

    Hello fellow Whistlers. We are very excited to announce the release of MyWhistleBox 2.16.5. This is a mid major release with a number of cool improvements and bug fixes that didn't quite make the 2.16.0 deadline. A shout out to the whole engineering team for getting this release out in short order.

    Depending on your plan, some, or all of these updates will be available to you.

    The following summarizes the updates and changes:

    • New Team Selector on Upload Request Dialog
      • Before, you had to select the target team in the folder tree before sending an Upload Request. We have added a Team Selector to the Box and WhistlePage tabs so you can switch back and forth without leaving the dialog.
    • Sign, Upload and Download Requests Dialogs Now Default to "Save" Email Address
      • Previously, the checkbox was unchecked and you had to remember to check to save the email address to the Address Book. It just makes sense to default to "On."
    • Signature and Download Requests Access Type is Now Mandatory
      • This is a welcome security improvement to make sure NONE is explicitly selected. It was too easy to accidentally send a request with no security.
    • New Scanify Enhanced Mode
      • Scanify has only been out for a few weeks and the boys already made a cool improvemenet. A new checkbox to apply an enhanced mode. Enhanced scans will automatically filter out the hazy gray background. Of course in rare cases where the original scan is of better reading quality, you can disable the enhanced mode.
    • HEIC File Support
      • If you don't know what HEIC files are, you can skip this becasue you won't even notice. iPhones are more frequently using HEIC format for the the camera default replacing the time tested jpeg file format. People uploading files to you probably don't even realize it. Problem, very few browsers support this format. No worries, we now have you covered. MyWhistleBox will automatically convert the uploaded HEIC file to the jpeg format so you can continue to use all the MyWhistleBox images tools.
    • New Request Note Variables
      • This is a Team Edition feature. Not because we feel Pro and Standard plans aren't worthy, it just isn't necessary for those plans. So what are Request Note variables? Request notes are the email messages that you send with a Request. Variables give the Team Administrator a cool way to customize signature blocks with the members information. Previously, you were kind of stuck with one default for the entire team. If you have a Team Account, open Account Settings and hover over the question mark icon for more information on how to insert variables.
    • Address Book "Exchange" Now Uses Members Default Box
      • A small update to the address book exchange command. When team members exchanged a WhistleBox Address with another account, it used the Team default box. Each member now has a new Member Default Box. By default, it's set to the Team default but can be overriden by either the Admin or Member.
    • Team Member Permission Matrix Chart
      • Another welcome addition for Team Accounts. It used to be cumbersome to view the Member permissions as you had to display each member individually. This wasn't much of a problem for small teams but as the team size grew, it became increasingly problematic. We have added a Permission Matrix in Account Settings, Team tab. This matrix provides the admin with a "permissions at a glance" view making it easier to review all member permissions.
    • Mobile App Updates
      • We have worked many of these improvements into the Mobile App and have submitted for review. Your phone or tablet may have been updated by the time you read this.
  • MyWhistleBox 2.16.0 Released!

    25 January 2024

    Hello fellow Whistlers. We are very excited to announce the release of MyWhistleBox 2.16.0. This is a major release with a number of cool improvements and bug fixes.

    Depending on your plan, some, or all of these updates will be available to you.

    The following summarizes the major updates and changes:

    • New Upload Access Link Icons
      • To make it easier to obtain a box's upload access link URL, new icons were added to the folder tree pane and Account Settings Boxes tab. These icons will provide an easy way to copy and paste the link to emails and email signature blocks.
    • New Signature and Download Access Links
      • We introduced Upload Access Links in the last release. Now there are access links for signature and download requests. These won't expire and can be used in emails and are revocable. Available from the file's action menu.
    • New Photographed Documents Scanify Feature (Watch our new Video)
      • Photographed documents are the type where you take a picture of a document with your phone. You know the type. When someone takes a picture of that completed form on their desk. As scanners become less common, photographed documents are becoming more common. Now you can easily convert those photographed documents with the clever scanify tool. Just select Image Tools from the files action menu and visit the Scanify tab.
    • New Image Tools For PNG and JPG Files
      • We broke out the image tools from Modify PDF Pages. Now, images have an Image Tools action while the PDF files will keep the existing Modify PDF Pages action. Image Tools provide tools to rotate, scanify and save to PDF.
    • Company Added To Upload Page
      • The Upload Page form can now contain an optional Company field. In Account Settings you can toggle this on and off as well as make it required. The file pane has also been modified to display a company.
    • Delete Multiple Files
      • You can now delete multiple files in a folder at one time. This option is available from the new Bulk menu on the folder bar. Deleted files are moved to trash.
    • Download Multiple Files
      • You can now download multiple files in a folder. Files will be grouped and downloaded as a zip file. This option is available from the new Bulk menu on the folder bar.
    • Folder Bar Is Now Stationary
      • The Folder Bar is now stationary and doesn't scroll with the pane. The folder icons are now always in view.
    • Moved Default Request Notes to Account Settings
      • We improved the way request notes work in the Request Dialogues. Previously when you added or modified a note, you had to check the save box to save it for next time. Now, we created three new default notes in Account Settings. The default note will be applied to each new request. You can always modify the note before sending. This will make it easier to standardize the request notes especially when standard signature blocks are included.
    • Consolidated Links
      • Instead of 3 separate panes to manage links in your WhistlePage, we have consolidated all link types into one pane. We also added a new section header as well so you can group your links together into sections. Finally, the links are now draggable so you can change the order.
    • Added Account Logo On Account Theme Option
      • In the branding pane, when the Account Theme checkbox was checked, the Account logo didn't appear. It now does.
    • Direct Access Links
      • WhistlePages can now have their own dedicated access links and the links can be used in emails. WhistlePage requests are still available. Access links are revocable and don't expire.
    • Default Font Sizes in Signing Editor
      • In the Signing Editor, when you added annotations, the font size always reverted to the default and required you to change it each time. Now, the last font size is remembered and will be applied to the next created annotation. This is helpful when adding groups of checkboxes, text boxes and radio buttons since the group is typically all the same size.
    • Personal Signatures Now Available For All Paid Plans
      • Previously, only professional plans could sign their own documents. Now that feature has been extended to all paid plans. You can now use the signature tool to fill out and sign your own documents.
    • New Email Connectors for Gmail and Microsoft365
      • Many Professional and Team plan customers prefer to send outbound Request emails via their personal or business email accounts. In Email Settings, we have added new email connectors for both Microsoft 365 and Google Gmail Acounts. We still provide Basic Authenication for email accounts that support it. Google and Microsoft are moving to more secure email connections and these new connectors will support those initiatives. To aid in the setup of these connectors, we have provided detailed step-by-step instructions for email administrators.
    • New Signature and Download Request Landing Pages
      • Upload request links have always had a landing page. Not to be left out, signature and download request links now have one too. It's an additional step but it will provide a better user experience for your visitors.
    • Add Logo to Request Landing Pages
      • We added the account logo (if one exists) to all three request landing pages. This will help visitors know they are at the right place.
    • Account Settings Customize Tab Preview Button
      • The Account Settings customize tab now has a preview button just like WhistlePages. The preview will show a mock up of the Upload Page complete with colors and logo.
    • New Address Book Security Column
      • The address book page was missing contact's Security column (used for signature and download access). That has now been updated.
    • New Download File Masks
      • Now you can control the name format of downloaded files. Account Settings now contains an optional mask that can be used to specify the downloaded file name. The default is fileName.ext but you can add box name, date, sender name and more to the mask to create a standardized naming format.
    • Many bug fixes and optimizations
      • This is a major release so it includes many bug fixes, both internally discovered and reported. The site was also optimized in many areas to speed the development of a number of important upcoming features. This will make us even more responsive to quick updates.
  • MyWhistleBox 2.15.0 Released!

    22 October 2023

    Hello fellow Whistlers. We are very excited to announce the release of MyWhistleBox 2.15.0. This is a major release with a number of cool improvements and bug fixes.

    Depending on your plan, some, or all of these updates will be available to you.

    The following summarizes the major updates:

    • Signature and Download Requests Default Expiration Days
      • You can now set the default expiration days in Account Settings for both Signature and Download Requests. You will still be able to override the setting in the Request Dialog.
    • Copy File
      • Added a File Copy command to each file's action menu.
    • Email Preview Pane
      • An example email has now been added to the WhistlePage preview dialog.
    • Checklists
      • WhistlePages can now act more like checklists. Visual checkmarks will now appear after a user clicks a WhistlePage link indicating he has visited that item.
    • Copy
      • You can now duplicate a WhistlePage along with it's settings to a new WhistlePage.
    • Drag Blocks from Anywhere in the Block
      • You can now drag blocks whether they are active or not. If the block is not active, it will be made so.
    • New Signature Block Menu
      • A new Block Menu will show all annotation blocks in the document. This will make it easier to select blocks that are hidden, overlapping or on different pages.
    • Multiple Block Selection
      • You can now select multiple annotation blocks as a group and move or delete them together. To add a block to the group, hold the ctl (or command) key down while clicking a block.
    • Block Alignment Menu
      • Multiple selected annotation blocks can now be aligned to Top, Bottom, Left or Right.
    • PDF Form Support
      • Signature tool now supports native PDF forms. If a PDF file contains a form, those fields will be rendered properly and can be filled in by the user and incorporated into the final submitted document.
    • Auto Signed Copies
      • The signing user now has the choice to receive a signed copy of the document automatically. No need to separately send him one.
    • Signature Return Folder Selection
      • Externally signed documents would always be placed in the Box folder. Now you can designate the default location as Box or Folder in Box settings (per Box). The default will appear in the new Signature Request field "Return Location" and can be overriden before sending the request.
    • Date Annotations
      • There is a new annotation, Date, that will automatically insert the current date during the signing process. No need for the user to drag a date stamp.
    • Signature and Initial Placeholder Annotations
      • Created new placeholder annotations that can be precisely placed on signature and initial locations of the document. A user can drag the stamps to the placeholder where it will be automatically positioned and sized.
    • One Click Signatures
      • Don't want your users to drag and drop stamps to sign? New One Click Signatures will solve that. You can now designate a Placeholder Annotation as a one click signature and all the user has to do is click the placeholder to sign or initial the document.
    • Reorganize Account Settings With Tabs
      • The Account Settings dialog has been reorganized into tabs for a cleaner presentation.
    • Request Signature Blocks
      • Similar to those "signature blocks" in your email program, you can set your email signature in Account Settings and that signature block will be appended to every outgoing request email. This is great for cases where standard signature's are required.
    • New Videos
      • New videos have been added to our growing Video Library.
    • Bug Fixes
      • Of course bug fixes. Some reported but many unreported.
  • MyWhistleBox 2.13.5 Released!

    27 August 2023

    Hello fellow Whistlers. We are very excited to announce the release of MyWhistleBox 2.13.5 This is a mid-major release with a number of improvements and bug fixes that didn't make the 2.13.0 deadline.

    Depending on your plan, some, or all of these updates will be available to you.

    The following summarizes the major updates:

    • New Search Filters
      • Search filters now include Signature Templates and WhistlePage linked files.
    • Request Report Available To All
      • All plans now have access to the Request Report. This will provide all users the ability to revoke requests.
    • Copy WhistleBox Address To Clipboard
      • Users can now copy the WhistleBox address to the clipboard when they hover over the icon
    • Signature Templates Video
      • A new video on Signature Templates has been added to the Video Library to support this new feature introduced in 2.13.0.
    • Improved Instructions For Multiple Signatures
      • We have added more details to the Signature Tool on how to sign a document requiring multiple signors.
    • New Upload Links
      • You can now add upload links to your web pages or emails that will take vistors directly to your upload page. Each Box has its unique link. To share a Box Link, simply go to your Account Settings and click a in the My Boxes section.
    • Bug Fixes
      • We even fixed a number of small bugs we found after the last release.
  • MyWhistleBox 2.13.0 Released!

    19 July 2023

    Hello fellow Whistlers. We are very excited to announce the release of MyWhistleBox 2.13. Thank you for all the comments and suggestions that help make MyWhistleBox even more awesome. This is a major release with lots of great improvements. This release focuses on improving the ease and use of the signature tool, user interface improvements, WhistlePage optimizations, new help videos and of course bug fixes.

    Depending on your plan, some, or all of these updates will be available to you.

    The following summarizes the major updates:

    • New notification history panel
      • Now users can see a history of their notifications by clicking the bell icon.
    • Added sorting by file size to Explorer
      • The sort menu now has sorting by file size.
    • New videos
      • A bunch of new videos added to the video library.
    • Clicked search folder icon now takes you to the actual folder
      • When searching, the results contain a little folder icon telling you where the file was located. Now, clicking it will take you to the folder in Explorer.
    • Display file notes on hover
      • If a file has notes, hovering over the note icon will display the note contents without opening the note first.
    Account Settings
    • Moved Box options to a separate dialog
      • This a cleaner approach and will now support additional future options.
    • New Box Nicknames
      • You can now add a nickname to a box. This allows you to keep the box name short for WhistleAddress purposes yet provides a descriptive name in the Folder pane.
    • New Box folder templates
      • For the auto-create folder feature, you can now provide a template of subfolders to be created. See the Video “Box Options” for a demo.
    • Made default expiration days a setting in accounts
      • Now you can assign default expiration days for Upload and WhistlePage requests.
    • Added test button to signature annotation editor
      • Before you had to switch back and forth between the editor and Explorer to test your annotations. You can now see the preview right in the editor.
    • Add font sizes to signature Initial and Text stamps
      • Some of the stamps had the ability to change the font size, that has been extended to text and initial stamps.
    • New “Initial Here” stamp on annotation
      • Added a new “sticker” to Initial Here on signature annotations.
    • Added support for signature templates
      • Now you can save annotated documents as “templates” and reuse them on signing requests.
    • Added document links to WhistlePages
      • In addition to upload links and signature links, you can now add Document links to your whistlepages so users can download documents stored in a Box.
    • New uploadable notes
      • On the public upload page, visitors can now upload notes in addition to files.
    • New email sent when member removed
      • When a Team member is removed from the team, an automated email will go out informing the former member of his options.
    • Bug fixes
      • Numerous reported issues fixed.
  • MyWhistleBox 2.10.0 Released!

    1 Feb 2023

    Hello fellow Whistlers. We are very excited to announce the release of MyWhistleBox 2.10 and Mobile App 2.4.4. Thank you for all the comments and suggestions that help make MyWhistleBox even more awesome.

    Depending on your plan, some, or all of these updates will be available to you. If you use the Mobile App, this update requires the latest version. So make sure you update your mobile app to at least 2.4.4 if your phone hasn’t done so already.

    The following provides a summary of the changes:

    • Enabled text messaging service
      • For text messages, we no longer require users to select a carrier. Text messages are now worldwide and no longer mobile carrier specific.
    • New Security Settings page
      • We have moved the Account security settings like email, cell phone and user pin from Account Settings to a new Security Settings Page. This should be cleaner and allow us to better control setting’s changes to better protect your account.
    • New 2 Factor Authentication
      • Optional 2 factor authentication (2FA) is now available. 2FA is an extra layer of security that requires users to enter a code via text message in addition to their password. Individual users can elect to enable 2FA on their account or Team Admins can require for the entire team. Users can enable this feature via the new Security Settings page.
    • Delete, Rotate and Arrange PDF Pages
      • We have added the ability to “edit” pdf pages all within your WhistleBox. This is yet another feature that helps eliminate costly applications like Adobe Acrobat. You will be able to Delete Pages, Rotate and even move pages around. How many times have you received a scanned Pdf that needed these modifications? Now MyWhistleBox makes it simple and fast.
    • Added email name to SMTP options
      • This fulfills a request to include a “nickname” on outgoing emails. For example, instead of an outbound received email coming from, it would display as Customer Service where “Customer Service” is the specified nickname.
    • Made signature stamps more intuitive
      • In the signing tool, we have made the signature stamps more intuitive by adding more informative tool tips. This should help 3rd party signors better understand the signing task.
    • Resend expired requests from reports
      • We made some convenient reporting changes by allowing users to “Resend” a request right from the Request’s Report. Previously, the only way to resend was via the Request Dialog (e.g. Upload Request).
    • Download request’s with multiple files
      • You can now send multiple download requests all in one request email. Access it via the folder bar in the explorer view.
    • The following reported bugs have been fixed:
      • Address book search was not working making navigating large lists difficult
      • Team members weren’t able to access the Team address book
      • Team admins weren’t able to change member type
      • Address book was erroneously requiring an email for every entry
    • We found and fixed additional small bugs before you ever encountered them.
    • Plumbing updates to improve the overall performance.